January 13, 2021
It’s no secret that online shopping has taken the world by storm over the last decade, particularly during the height of the coronavirus pandemic. With people staying at home, they’ve resorted to buying their needs online, which has made eCommerce websites skyrocket in popularity. These famous, successful pages all have something in common: they’ve relied on Amazon Web Service (AWS) hosting solutions, proving itself to be a leader in the cloud industry. Cloud hosting in Australia has also rapidly gained traction, allowing businesses to interact with visitors and achieve sales goals.
AWS cloud web hosting comes with a robust and stable architecture that fortifies eCommerce stores’ ability to provide a dependable, working website that meets all their target audience’s needs. Businesses can take advantage of the AWS platform’s many features, providing them with an infrastructure that is nearly unbeatable by other competitors. Here are four reasons your business should consider AWS cloud web hosting:
Almost every online business dreams of being so popular that they’re overrun with visitors at every waking moment. The reality is that this tends to be a complete nightmare, as websites crash when overwhelmed with users. That also leads to downtime for businesses, costing them sales and plenty of potential new customers.
Fortunately, opting for an Amazon cloud server in Australia gives you the scalability your business needs to deal with varying traffic while increasing customer activity. You’ll have access to resources that will make your server support the increasing load, eliminating any worries that come with a viral website.
Storing your data on a physical hard drive is an excellent way to have a backup on hand. However, these devices are susceptible to data corruption and breakdown, which means you won’t have access to your precious files when something goes wrong. As a business in the modern age, you simply can’t afford to lose any data at all, as it will make your day-to-day operations almost impossible.
Fortunately, you can solve this by hosting your business on the cloud. Since everything will be stored online, you won’t risk losing data because of common issues like system failures or even physical damages, which can easily overturn your operations. Your servers will be up and running all time, offering your customers uninterrupted access to your website.
If your online business struggles with bandwidth requirements that change over time because of peak seasons, then cloud-based solutions are a better match for you. You’ll have all the resources you need to scale up when your bandwidth requirement increases, which means you don’t have to worry about slowing down your website. Your visitors will enjoy a seamless, fast experience when browsing your page.
Dependability is a crucial quality that businesses and customers look for, especially in a digital age that promises convenience above all else. Cloud servers receive their load evenly, which prevents them from being overwhelmed and eventually crashing. That way, your business website will always function properly while having a reliable backup system that continually saves and stores data. If something goes wrong, you’ll have guaranteed access to your files, allowing you to restore everything to its original state.
Popular retailers and online businesses have shifted to AWS architecture to provide their customers with the best experience. Cloud servers offer brands interconnectivity that helps them engage with their customers and achieve their sales targets while providing them with a more secure, flexible, and compatible infrastructure. By opting for AWS cloud web hosting, you’ll get ahead of the competition and provide the seamless browsing experience your target audience deserves.
iNode Cloud offers cloud hosting in Australia through AWS, which is the leader in understanding customers’ needs and what it takes to support a successful online business. With our services, you won’t have to worry about lost opportunities, because we guarantee you 99.99 per cent uptime. Contact us today to get started!
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