3 Mistakes to Avoid When Managing Your Website’s cPanel

Being new to web hosting is a typical problem that startups and traditional business owners alike will need to face in growing their company. The preference for online transactions is a need of modern consumers that companies need to adapt to by developing and maintaining a well-managed website.

Furthermore, encountering technical difficulties isn’t uncommon for businesses that are just getting used to handling their website. However, if you commit one too many mistakes in servicing your customer, you might end losing their trust at best or a drop in your public reputation at worst.

The importance of maintaining your website

cPanel is a Linux-based interface that allows for a simplified server and website management. This control panel will enable you to edit pages, manage your domains, and organise your digital files to service your customers through your site properly. The better your understanding of avoiding cPanel management mistakes is, the more efficient your online transactions will be.

In this article, we will share three mistakes that you should avoid in managing your website’s cPanel:

1. Dumping everything in one FTP account

In starting up the cPanel for your website, you will first need to set up a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) for your databases. This allows you to organise the data and resources that you will need for your websites, depending on their types and functions.

Although it may sound like a good idea to use one database to hold the functions of all your websites, you will find out that it’s much harder to make small and simple changes in categorising the different features of your company. Hiring an external developer to manage a portion of your business’ FTP directory is an excellent way to distribute the workload in maintaining and fixing your website while limiting their access to sensitive data.

2. Causing security concerns with your emails

Websites that are made for business allows you to make a personalised domain for your email addresses. Most businesses make use of default Yahoo and Google email services to cut down on their expenses. However, this is a branding mistake that can cause customers to feel that you’re an inexperienced and informal company.

Besides damaging your company’s reputation, it can be a problematic issue for you to have inconsistent email addresses. Malicious individuals can use your unsecured email to steal the identities of your customers by using it to access your cPanel. Dedicated email services only have moderate security measures in place, which can leave your business’ sensitive data in danger of alterations, thefts, and leaks, if you don’t make use of a secure domain email.

3. Making too many subdomains

A cPanel primarily supports three types of domains: Your primary domain, its add-on domains, and sub-domains. Sub-domains are effective in segregating your work’s operations to different sites. However, this can significantly impact your page’s Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and further affect your site’s long-term flexibility.

Many web hosting plans offer unlimited domains that give businesses the wrong idea that they should secure many websites under one hosting plan. Instead of making multiple sub-domains, you should consider creating add-on domains and use them as a different site to make the load easier on your cPanel management.


One way to lose a grip on your business’ growth and relevance is by failing to understand what practices you should avoid when navigating through digital platforms. This is why you need to stay alert on learning about traditional and modern business strategies so that you can plan precautionary measures for the different issues that may come along the way.

If you need the best cPanel cloud hosting in Australia, our team at iNode Cloud is prepared to help you in managing your digital platforms. Our platform is based on Amazon Web Services’ (AWS) infrastructure to offer a quality service to online businesses. Get in touch with us today!

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